Unofficial Ubuntu 5.04 Add-On CD

For those who have no or slow internet connections, have problems connecting to ubuntu and backports repositories, are too lazy to do all the apt-get and commands, are new to linux and don’t know much about it, and just want things to be configured right, multimedia and internet ready.

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Sketchup Google Earth importer/exporter

@Last Software (makers of Sketchup) just released a importer/exporter plugin for use with Google Earth. Now you can build your house and place it in it’s location on earth… Very Cool.

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Free paper hack for personal organization.

This site has a web based application for creating your own personal note booklet. The pages are customizable to fit your needs and print easily out of most printers.

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Free DNS, Dynamic DNS, subdomain and domain hosting.

Why is it free? It’s quite simple. We wanted a challenge… that’s it.

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GNOME 2.12 Released

Today, the GNOME Project celebrates the release of GNOME 2.12, the latest version of the popular, multi-platform free desktop environment.

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another technique for presenting nice web forms, based on javascript, xhtml, and CSS.

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