Using Waterpipes to Create Colossal Ice Structures!

The Alaskan Alpine Club keeps a photo-journal of their gigantic creation…Remember, they just use water and strategically placed pipes!

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Kevin Rose Reveals It All…

Come get the inside scoop on Digg’s founder, Kevin Rose.

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Awesome Audio player WordPress plugin

Once installed, this plugin allows you to insert mp3 audio files into your posts and pages.

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(Video) 8088 Corruption….awesome hack

Color video running at 30 frames per second, with audio, on an original 4.77MHz 8088 IBM PC Model 5150 with 640K RAM, CGA video, 10MB drive, and Sound Blaster Pro.
No tricks, this is for real! This kind of speed is only achievable using text mode (!) and 8088 assembler.
Programmer: Jim Leonard

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Wireless Laptop Antenna made from a Pen.

Searching for a way to maximize my wireless signal from my laptop i stumbled across this crazy contraption. A wireless antenna made from a standard ball point pen.

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Crazy Perspective-Bending WWI Propaganda Photos

These photographs were taken on military bases in the early 1900’s by photographers Arthur Mole and John Thomas. They often consisted of upwards of 20,000 officers and men and had to be taken from a 70-ft tower built specially for the purpose.

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Ubuntuguide reborn

Ubuntuguide – unofficial starter guide for UbuntuLinux users has been upgraded and updated for Ubuntu5.10

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Photoshop Tutorial – Text Photo Montage

I’ve seen this effect before, one of my teachers has Einstein made up of just letters. This tutorial shows you how you can easily do it using photoshop. Pretty cool I think.

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Honda Civic’s New Noisy Ad: Choir

The rebirth of creativity in TV advertising. A new ad by W+K for Honda Civic called Choir. Unbelievable!

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Hilarious SUN advertisements that never made it to print

If you haven’t seen these, you gotta check it out. I especially like the playboy centerfold ad.

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