Buy the First Cell Phone Ever: the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X

Hampshire, UK based website sells vintage cell phones, including the first ever commercial phone: the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X. The phone originally cost $3995 in 1983.
My buddy Howard had one of these back in the day installed into his car with a special pedestal for hands free talking and an antenna booster that mounted to the outside of the car.

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In Search Of The One True Layout…

Excellent article on how to use CSS to get the best layout for your website. Specifically, any order columns, equal height columns, or vertical grids. A CSS MUST READ…

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A perfectly free way to create and use an XP Virtual Machine

All free. All Legal. Using VMware’s new VM Player.

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Digg has Venture Capital – a few million bucks

Digg just received $2.8 Million dollars from venture capitalists

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My Jack-o-LED

See this guy doing a Jack-O-Lantern illuminated by LEDs.

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First Ever USB Guitar Ships

Brian Moore has taken their excellent iGuitar line of digitally-equipped guitars, and added class-compliant USB, via the new iGuitar.USB model. Plug it into a USB jack, and you have instant access to your sound in recording and effects software, no drivers required.

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Microsoft Office 13 will be a Web Application!

No more installed apps on your machine. Everything is going to the web for Microsoft (from an official Microsoft source).

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The Best Science Photographs of 2005

So, what is a Vision of Science? To the judges of the Awards, a Vision of Science is an attention-grabbing image that gives new insight into the world of science and the workings of nature.

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The New Yorker reveals fake word in Dictionary

Even dictionaries employ DRM now. The New Yorker reveals the fake word placed in the New Oxford American Dictionary to monitor the illegal copiying of their word base.

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HOW TO: Ubuntu Linux for Novices

“Ubuntu, a popular distribution of the Linux operating system, has acquired a wildly growing user base. Described as being Linux for Human Beings, Ubuntu is somewhere in between Mandriva (formerly Mandrake) and Fedora Core in terms of ease of use. Ubuntu is a powerful operating system…”

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